
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Microsoft sues Comet over Windows 'copies'

Microsoft is suing Comet, the struggling electrical goods retailer, over allegedly creating and selling rip-off software.

Microsoft Windows
Microsoft is suing retailer Comet for producing 'fake' recovery disks for Windows. Photo: EPA
The lawsuit sent shares in Kesa Electricals, the parent company of Comet, down 6.9pc to 66.65p.
The American manufacturer claims that Comet created and sold 94,000 Windows XP and Vista recovery CDs in breech of its intellectual property rights. The CDs used to be offered by Microsoft themselves, but it stopped selling them and Comet, following consumer demand, started to make their own version between March 2008 and December 2009.
They allowed users to reinstall software they had legitimately purchased when they bought a laptop or PC.
Comet concede they sold the discs but deny that they have infringed any copyright. It is understood that it made less than £1m in turnover from the sale of the discs.
David Finn, associate general counsel for Worldwide Anti-Piracy at Microsoft said: "Comet produced and sold thousands of counterfeit Windows CDs to unsuspecting customers in the United Kingdom. Comet's actions were unfair to customers. We expect better from retailers of Microsoft products – and our customers deserve better, too."
The case comes at a bad time for Comet, which has been one of the worst hit retailers on the high street, and is expected to have suffered from poor Christmas trading. KESA is in the process of selling the chain in a bid to stem its losses. However, the sale to OpCapita for £2 has yet to be completed.
In a statement it said: "Comet has sought and received legal advice from leading counsel to support its view that the production of recovery discs did not infringe Microsoft's intellectual property."

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